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Kenex Spain at Grafmax

06 August 1997 - 18 December 2012

By Notorious Martanda  ex Sweet Mark of Approval


Max was the dog that started this off. We bought him as a guard dog. We collected him at 7 weeks and 2 days and never looked back. He was hard work as a puppy, mainly because of our lack of experience, but he became a superb gentleman in every way. He did obedience and agility and either got the fastest round with no faults or picked up a female’s scent and wandered off half-way through. He was eventually too lightweight for showing at the top levels, but his conformation was lovely and he moved like a thoroughbred racehorse. He had BOBs at Open and many BIS at Companion Dog Shows (in the days when entries would routinely top 200) including three BIS at Frampton Country Fair, the last at the age of 10.

Max had his Kennel Club bronze and silver Good Citizen Certificates.

Max tested negative for von Willebrand’s disease (vWD) and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). At 14 he had a spinal stroke, but recovered remarkably quickly (helped by the urge to chase Nina round the room). He got back to being able to do three quarters of an hour’s walk at a time.


He eventually died at 15 years, 4 months by choking on a piece of chicken; traumatic at the time, but in hindsight preferable to fading over the few months that he would have had left.

Max sired three litters and the pups that I followed had super health, temperament and longevity.


© Sue Thorn
Max © Robert Urquhart
Max © Robert Urquhart
Max © Robert Urquhart
© Sue Thorn

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